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Foundations of Downward Dog
This class is a master-class in how to adapt your Downward Dog to find strength and alignment for the long term. Downard dog, aka Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a pose that shows up a lot in yoga class - especially in Vinyasa. Once mastered, this pose is DELIGHTFUL for the...

Introduction to Asana in Yoga
In this asana-based Foundations class, we’ll experience a sequence that uses all of the skills we have learned so far, and builds into a more physical yoga practice. This is more of a Vinyasa-based All-Levels class. And really it’s here to give you a chance to get...
BTL on YouTube
From Our Blog

Tiny Miracles Happen Here
I had a moment today in my personal practice when, all of the sudden, I had perfect clarity about who we are and what we do here at Be the Love. And when it landed in my head, I could feel it in my heart. As if I was finally able to hear your story, friend. So many...
Live Vinyasa Flow w/ Caitrin
Vinyasa Flow (30 min) Tuesdays at 6:30am -- starting in September 2022Get ready to ground into the present moment, connect with your breath, increase your blood flow, and boost your energy with this encouraging, energizing, and uplifting movement practice! Classes may...

Introduction to the Yamas and Niyamas
It’s just so easy in this digital-based age for us to feel separate from one another. We spend more time alone now that we have in millenia. We have moved, as humans, from community-based village life to an individualistic belief that we are all on our own. The Yamas...

Real talk: anyone feeling out of shape?
So I posted this question in our Facebook group and was surprised at how many people responded. Which, by the way, if you're not in our Facebook group yet, come on in, yogi! You can join for free here. So in the group I asked a simple question. And I got a bunch of...