I listened to Marie Forleo’s podcast this morning where she coached someone who was in that paralyzed-start-stop feeling that happens when we have a window of time, but not enough clarity on what to do next. And I genuinely felt like she was speaking to me.
Even though it is my profession to move and motivate, I still find myself in this start-and-stop-stuckness, this paralyzed-want-to-take-action-and-can’t state of stasis that is paralyzing and hard.
I know it’s partly because my kids are not in school right now. And I know that it’s partly because I feel like I have to wait for them to leave the house so my life can start. And also – I just can’t wait anymore.
So I’m sharing the solution from her words, but they could be mine as well. And I’m just so darn grateful I listened to it this morning.
The solution is simple:
✔️ Move your body every single day
✔️ Sweat, breathe, and do it with PASSION
✔️ Get clear on which thing to direct your energy on
✔️ Give that ONE THING all your heart
✔️ Don’t stop until it’s done
The thing is your passion, your energy, your motivation, your direction lives in your body.
And when you move your body, when you stretch, and breathe, you start to stir it all up.
Let’s Start Moving Together
I can’t tell you how many times I have landed on my mat to practice yoga, and about 3 minutes in, I’m off writing to-do lists and getting clarity that I had been looking for after days and weeks of indecision.
And then I ask myself, like WHY did I wait this long?!
When you move, you stir things up. You open up the channels for creativity and passion and inspiration to come through. And from there, it’s easy to direct that energy towards your goals, friend.
Here’s what Marie said today:
“When you move your body, it changes your biochemistry. It changes how you think, how you focus, and how motivated you are.”
Moving, breathing, sweating, meditating – it helps you think clearer. It helps you focus more. It gives you ENERGY. And it helps you show up bigger, with PURPOSE, in whatever it is that you do.
It’s not coach speak, or some energetic woo-woo thing, it’s actual science, friend.
So, with that, I just officially signed up for the Treadmill + Run + Strength + Yoga program Caitrin and Laura put together.
It starts on Sunday. It’s super affordable. And it’s ON SALE right now.
Learn More
For 6-weeks you get a daily workout which includes a mix and variety of movements, so you never get bored. And enough motivation and inspiration to keep going.
PLUS, every week on Sundays we meet for 30-minutes to connect and keep each other going.
I already have a few friends in, friends that inspire and motivate me to do better and show up bigger in life.
And I’m guessing you could use more of that too.