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What are the Yamas?
The Yamas are a set of guiding principles for how to be in community, how to be with others. These are guides for social behavior. As we discussed in our introduction to the 8 limbs of yoga, and covered further in our Yamas + Niyamas class, today we dive deeper and...

Introduction to the Yamas and Niyamas
It’s just so easy in this digital-based age for us to feel separate from one another. We spend more time alone now that we have in millenia. We have moved, as humans, from community-based village life to an individualistic belief that we are all on our own. The Yamas...
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From Our Blog

The Barriers to Yoga Practice and Why I Show Up
What if I told you I had something to offer you that would give you: Less stress. Better executive function. Clear thoughts. Improved memory. Improved wellness habits. Better sleep. Improved mood. More self-control. Improved stress response. Less reactivity....
All Levels w/ Julie
All Levels (30 min) Tuesdays at 6:30am - August 2022Prepare for a delightful dive into light movement that offers a mix of breath, stretch, and light strength, all to prepare you for that delightful after-yoga glow. Class may include grounding, breathwork, light...

What are the Niyamas?
The Niyamas are the second limb of yoga. They go a step farther in guiding us on ways in which we can care for ourselves. This is the real work, friend. Self-reflection is not for the faint of heart. And yet - it’s critical if we wish to live a full and fulfilling...

You’ve Got to Do This Yourself
Today we're having a moment of real talk. Listen, we know it's not always easy to hear. But I am committed to being honest, and being real with you, always. This is the act of love we give you here at BTL. Last week we sent out a survey. And your candid answers were...