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Week 05: Keep Showing Up


Hi friend! We are at the onset of Week 5, moving mindfully and intentionally toward our goals. Starting a running routine is HARD WORK.

If this is coming easily to you, great! If you’re getting through each walk, jog, or run through gritted teeth, that’s great, too! The point is, you’re showing up. Keep showing up.

As you are out this week, try to start to attend more to your senses. What sights do you notice as you’re walking or jogging? What does the air feel like on your skin? Make a point of surveying your surroundings!

I am strong, healthy, wise, and brave.

Lace up those shoes and head outside.


Daily assignments for the week ahead:

  • M: 20 min yoga for runners: flow
  • T: 3.5 mile run, 10 min express yoga: hamstrings
  • W: 35 min tempo run
  • Th: Rest
  • F: 3.5 mile run
  • S: 20 min yoga for runners: twists
  • Su: 4 mile run, 10 min express yoga: knees


Congratulate yourself for continuing this path.  I’m cheering you on!

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Advance your Run 10k run and yoga program: facebook graphic week 5

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Advance your Run 10k run and yoga program: instagram graphic week 5

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Practice: This Week’s Yoga Classes


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