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Sutra Summer Experience: All Yoga Classes


All yoga classes for Summer Sutra Experience. Classes are listed by the weekly themes they are associated with.

Week 01 | The Yamas and Niyamas

Theme refresh: The yamas are considered a great vow, or universal ethic, that can be practiced by anyone in any life circumstance, regardless of wealth or social class. The niyamas, or personal care guidelines, are more internal and rooted in the body and immediate surroundings. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 01 page

Week 02 | Ahimsa

Theme refresh: Ahimsa is the very first entry of the Yamas, or ethical guidelines, as outlined by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and the Eight Limbed Path. It is celebrated as the most integral part of living yogic-ly in the world, and it informs all other yamas. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 02 page.

Week 03 | Satya

Theme refresh: Satya is truth. But it’s more than just speaking honestly — satya involves the decisive use of keen discernment and clear vision to formulate itself. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 03 page.

Week 04 | Asteya

Theme refresh: Asteya, like so many Sanskrit words and yogic concepts, has several layers. In addition to refraining from stealing physical property or goods, asteya asks us to be mindful of how we manage time, the way we move in the world, and even what and how we receive from ourselves and others. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 04 page.

Week 05 | Brahmacharya

Theme refresh: Brahmacharya, or conservation of vital energy. Traditionally, this conservation applied almost exclusively to sexual energy and desire. Modern definitions of this yama include self-control, moderation, and restraint. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 05 page.

Week 06 | Aparigraha

Theme refresh: Like every other yama we’ve discussed, the meat of aparigraha lies far below and beyond the simple state of not owning too much stuff. Aparigraha is about material possessions, yes, but it’s also about thoughts and opinions, abuse of power, money, and even respecting the flow of dialogue. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 06 page.

Week 07 | Pratipaksa Bhavana

Theme refresh: Pratipaksa Bhavana is cultivating the opposite. It’s not just about trying to understand the other side of the story; it also asks us to take positive action when we witness wrongdoing (verbal, physical, psychological, and all the in between); and to access our deepest and fullest capacity for empathy and compassion. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 07 page.

Week 08 | Sauca

Theme refresh: The first niyama is sauca, or cleanliness — of the body, the heart-mind, and the spaces within and around us. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 08 page.

Week 9 | Santosha

Theme refresh: Santosha means contentment, but not just the kind you may feel after a really good meal — It’s a greater sense of clarity and release into the notion that every situation has the potential to offer truth, learning, and benefit. It’s cultivating gratitude for the things you have, as opposed to bumming out about what you’re missing; it’s keeping faith in you ability to survive and thrive, and even be happy; and it’s finding those silver linings again and again and again. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 09 page.

Week 10 | Tapas

Theme refresh: Tapas has many meanings and implications in its translation from Sanskrit, including heat, discipline, passion, and drive, all of which serve the greater definition of tapas in the context of the niyamas: “The practice of actually implementing our plan for self-improvement.” For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 10 page.

Week 11 | Svadhyaya

Theme refresh: Svadhyaya is self-study, which includes understanding our physical, mental, and emotional bodies; our actions and impressions (karma-s); and the world around us. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 11 page.

Week 12 | Ishvara-Pranidhana

Theme refresh:  Ishvara pranidhana is humility and faith. literally speaking, ishvara pranidhana can be interpreted as moving toward and embracing our own divine and universal inner knowing with full faith and humility. For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 12 page.

Week 13 | Kriya-Yoga

Theme refresh: Kriya yoga is practice in action. Kriya yoga includes the last three of the five niyamas, or personal self-care practices: Tapas, svadhyaya, and ishvara pranidhana. When practiced together, these three niyamas form a triad which “becomes a powerful mechanism for learning and growth.” For more on this lesson, visit the lesson 13 page.


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