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SSE Week 01: The Yamas

What are the Yamas?

The yamas are considered a great vow, or universal ethic, that can be practiced by anyone in any life circumstance, regardless of wealth or social class.


The Five Yamas

  1. Ahimsa – Nonviolence
  2. Satya – Truthfulness
  3. Asteya – Non-stealing
  4. Brahmacarya – Conservation of vital energy
  5. Aparigraha – Non-Possessiveness

Home Exercise: Yamas

This week, take some time to write down the following:

  • Choose a yama you feel you could improve on or practice more in your own life.

  • Then, recount an experience in which you could have used that yama.

  • What would the outcome be, how would you feel about it, and how would anyone else involved likely feel?

  • Are there any actionable steps you can take in order to bring more of that yama into your life?

“When we maintain our dignity and act truthfully in the face of an ethical challenge, others will follow our brave lead and also behave with a clean conscience.”
– The Path of the Yoga Sutras

SSE Week 01: The Niyamas

What are the Yamas?

The niyamas, or personal care guidelines, are more internal and rooted in the body and immediate surroundings.


The Five Niyamas

  1. Sauca – Cleanliness of the body, mind, and heart
  2. Santosha – Contentment
  3. Tapas – Practices that bring about positive change
  4. Svadhyaya – Self-Study
  5. Ishvara-pranidhana – Humility and faith

Home Exercise: Niyamas

This week, take some time to write down the following:

  • List out what you do now to practice self care.

  • Choose a few, and describe how you feel about them.

  • Do they seem like an obligation, or do they genuinely give you pleasure?

  • List out self care practices or activities you used to practiced before you got too “busy.”

  • Are there any you’d really like to try incorporating into your life more?

  • Are there actionable steps you can take to give yourself those gifts?

“To live according to yoga, it is our responsibility as individuals to spend time and effort maintaining our body, breath, heart, and mind.”
– The Path of the Yoga Sutras

Watch this Week’s Video

Bring Yamas & Niyamas into Practice

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