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Week 1: Be Here Now

I hope you’re as excited as I am to begin this mindfulness journey! This week we’re exploring the topic of Attention, or as we like to say in yoga class, BE(ing) HERE NOW. 

Please be sure to complete each video and exercise to the best of your ability — and if you’d like, you can practice with these materials each day this week, along with your Vipassana practice.

Be Here Now | Week 1 Assignments:

  1. Watch Be Here Now Lecture
  2. Daily Vipassana (5 minutes)
  3. Download & Print Workbook Chapter One
  4. Practice Body Scan Meditation (evenings before rest)
  5. Practice Grounding Slow Flow (ideally 2-4 times this week)
  6. Complete Daily Mindfulness Log this week

Tip: I highly recommend keeping a journal or notebook to document your experience throughout this program. Not only is it a great way to jot down ah-ha! moments before you forget them (I alwaysssss forget them), but how cool will it be to reread after you’ve finished and see how far you’ve come!

Watch this Week’s Video

Mindfulness with Love- Week 1 meditation

Practice: All Levels Yoga


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