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Day 17: For the Heart – Gratitude Flow

Today we are building you back up from rest and release. Slowly, we’ll bring you back into movement for the days ahead, then into mindset, then action, growth, and manifestation as we complete our time together. 

We’re more than halfway through this program, friend. And now is the time when we come back to gratitude. Today, you will fill the heart with so much love and appreciation, that it expands to provide extra space for all the good that comes with the fresh start of a new year. 

Today’s practice is an All-Levels Gratitude flow with Heather. She will slowly build you up from the earth, move and breathe, and connect to that inner part of you, your heart, that can act as your guide and your compass in the weeks to come. 

Today we’re also coming back to the gratitude worksheet that we offered in Day 5. For your reference, it is linked below. 

Take some time before practice today to journal about gratitude, with a twist of appreciation

List things, people, memories, and moments that you are grateful for. And this time, do so with a feeling of appreciation. 

Once you make your list, take a moment to read through it. Say out loud “I appreciate...” to each item. 

It may sound a little rote, but speaking your appreciation out loud is an important part of cultivating that magnetic feeling of gratitude in your heart, mind, and energy. And that is the basis for manifestation. 

Day 17 Introduction

All Levels Yoga for Gratitude


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