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Day 5: Gratitude

Why gratitude?

Across woo-woo circles to business coaching alike, people in the know will tell you: the power of gratitude is tremendous. Gratitude can help you feel more positive emotions, remember and remind yourself of positive experiences, improve feelings of well-being, become more resilient, and it can even improve your health.

Wow, right?!

Whether you’re feeling gratitude for small things, like a cup of tea or a warm place to sleep, or thinking back to past memories and happy moments from your life, that feeling of gratitude can be absolutely transformational.

For me, gratitude has helped me pick myself up when I’m facing challenging moments. It has helped me re-center and refocus my life, and it has helped me transmute feelings of hopelessness and fear into feelings of strength, resilience, and problem-solving.

You can learn more about the power of gratitude in this Harvard Medical School article


There is no one way to practice or feel feelings of gratitude. And in fact, it’s really important for you to find a version of practice that works best for you. 

Today we’re offering you two worksheets: one page is a gratitude list, the other is a journal page. 

Feel free to use this as you would like, let it be inspiring, let it lift your heart, and if you’re feeling inspire — you can continue this practice for the rest of our 31 days together. 

Also, if you prefer, you can grab an affordable notebook, literally a $1 office supply store notebook will do, and write daily gratitude or journaling in there.

Let this practice work for you and watch as it affects your mood, your resiliency, your wellbeing, and even your health in the days that follow. 

Day 5 Introduction

All-Levels Gratitude Flow

(45-minute yoga class)


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