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Your Home practice




Developing a Home-based Practice 

One of the .. 

Benefits of Home Practice




What we say about cross-training

Here are some of the cross training activities that our members participate in:

  • Boxing
  • Treadmill/other gym equipment
  • Strength/Weight Training
  • Pilates/Barre
  • Running
  • Swimming

We can be both safer and go further on the mat if we are doing other exercises that build muscle around the joints.


It is also so important to remember that even in yoga class there are adaptations that can be made to address your individual body’s needs. There is not one alignment for every body, because we all have different bodies. 



Try Laura’s HIIT Fitness class or Jenn’s Vinyasa 2 Class. Check out our schedule here


Start out your day with these sets:

10 body weight squats, 10 modified push-ups, 30 second plank (3x)

And don’t forget what Laura said, “Be gentle with yourself, especially if you are trying something new.”

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