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BTL Run Club: August 2021

This Month in Run Club:

There is nothing quite like running to challenge the physical and mental stamina of any person. Whether you’re running long or short distances, once in a while or daily, competing in races, or jogging your favorite route, at some point, running will leave your muscles aching and your mind asking questions like “why am I doing this?!” Even elite runners will tell you that running is uncomfortable. So, why do we do it?

Running is hard work, but so is anything worthwhile. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable allows us to develop a greater capacity to push our limits and find new growth. As with anything, sticking with the same routine day in and day out can get monotonous. In the case of running, this monotony can cause growth to become stagnant. Challenging yourself to get into a zone that feels uncomfortable is an amazing way to get your muscles firing up differently, which in turn leads to more physical growth. Just as important, if not more so, is the mental growth that occurs. When you complete a challenging task, you feel great! Getting on the other side of an uncomfortable run provides a boost of endorphins to the brain. Even better? The next time you’re out on a run, you’ll have more confidence in your ability to push yourself towards new growth.

Your Approach this Month: Find your Challenge

This month is all about pushing yourself into that comfortably uncomfortable zone. This might be something that has you questioning what you’re thinking! But also something that will allow you to complete your challenge and get to the other side for that promised endorphin release! Begin your week by identifying which days you want to run, what your running plan will be (mileage or time), and what challenge you want to add in. 

Challenges might be adding an extra half mile to your planned run, pushing for a faster speed for the choruses of the songs you’re listening to while running, or running fast from one mailbox to the next, while slowing down for another several mailboxes. Choose at least one run each week to add a challenge in. Go on, start getting cozy and comfy with the uncomfortable!

“Growth is uncomfortable. If you’re uncomfortable, you’re growing.”

This Month’s Schedule


Week 1

Mon:  20-30 minute brisk walk

Tue: rest

Wed: walk 5 minutes, jog 5 minutes x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Thurs: rest

Fri: walk 3 minutes, jog 7 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Sat: rest

Sun: walk 3 minutes, jog 10 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Week 2

Mon: 20-30 minute brisk walk

Tue:  rest

Wed: walk 5 minutes, jog 5 minutes x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Thurs: rest

Fri: walk 3 minutes, jog 7 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Sat: rest

Sun: walk 2 minutes, jog 11 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Week 3

Mon: 20-30 minute brisk walk

Tue: 20 yoga for runners or rest

Wed: walk 5 minutes, jog 5 minutes x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Thurs: rest

Fri: walk 3 minutes, jog 7 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk 

Sat: rest

Sun: walk 3 minutes, jog 10 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Week 4

Mon: 20-30 minute brisk walk

Tue: rest

Wed: walk 5 minutes, jog 5 minutes x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Thurs: rest

Fri: walk 3 minutes, jog 7 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Sat: rest

Sun: walk 2 minutes, jog 11 minutes, x 3, 5-10 minute cool-down walk

Week 5

Mon: 20-30 minute brisk walk

Tue: 20 yoga for runners or rest


Week 1

Mon: 2-4 mile run

Tue: rest or cross train

Wed: speed work: chorus pick-ups (fast running during the chorus of the songs you listen to) during a 20-30 minute run

Thurs: rest

Fri: 3 mile run

Sat: 20 minute yoga for runners

Sun: 3-5 mile run

Week 2

Mon: 2-4 mile run

Tues: rest or cross train

Wed: speed work: chorus pick-ups for 20-30 minutes

Thurs: rest

Fri: 3 mile run

Sat: rest

Su:  3-5 mile run

Week 3

Mon: 2-4 mile slow-paced run

Tue: rest or cross train

Wed: chorus pick-ups for 20-30 minutes

Thurs: rest

Fri: 2-3 mile run

Sat: 20 minute yoga for runners

Sun: 3-5 mile run

Week 4

Mon: 2-4 mile

Tues: rest or cross train

Wed: speed work: chorus pick-ups for 20-30 minutes

Thurs: rest

Fri: 3 mile run

Sat: rest

Su:  3-5 mile run

Week 5

Mon: 2-4 mile slow-paced run

Tues: rest


Watch this Month’s Video

Inspiration to Hit the Pavement

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Yoga Flow



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